Greetings from the Japanese Tease headquarter. I hope this finds you well. While listening to Hitoshi Sato’s stunning record Awakening I thought about writing a little update post for all you lovely guys and gals. Damn, it’s been a while. I promised myself that I would never write one of these “I’m gone but I’ll be back posts” but here we are. And there is a good reason to wake up Japanese Tease from its beauty sleep.
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to write more frequent updates for the next year to come. I’d love to, really, nothing more fun than reading your well thought out comments to another wacky post about Japanese loveliness, but I currently really lack that “Japanese mindset”. It’s always the case when I’m not able to study on a daily basis.
The months are flying by and there is always so much stuff to do that there is little time for learning Japanese anymore. I know you all experienced this. Probably a couple of times already. And if you didn’t: Congrats. I’m a little jelly. I have the feeling that learning Japanese in your free time is a step by step approach for most of us which is stretching over the years with many breaks in between. But the important thing is: We won’t give up.

It’s nearly mid-2018 nothing much happened here on Japanese Tease. Nothing to be precise. I’m in my last year of dentistry studies and this time around next year I’ll be a freshly baked dentist. Finally.
My days are mostly spent at the university, treating patients with a few classes in between. When I get home and don’t have to study, I need to relax. And as rewarding and fun as learning Japanese can be, it’s really nothing I, want to tackle on my few days off. Even if I tried to integrate iKnow and WaniKani into my daily routine again, I just couldn’t manage to do it on a daily basis. And we all know that’s key to making real progress.
Japanese Tease has been light on updates and there were some recent changes: GDPR compliance is a must now and that means you have to actively accept cookies now on this site. And maybe even say goodbye to Disqus. I loved the comment system, you did, but unfortunately, the GDPR didn’t. Or at least their data handling.
I’m working on a (hopefully) nice alternative which will be up in the next couple of days. If you have any suggestions or insights on that matter – please, like always, share your wisdom with me. The optimal solution would always be just to be able to continue using Disqus.
Another thing: All the nice pictures I did for you guys. Rest assured I’ll make some more but for now, I deleted everything I didn’t take myself. And some more. A precaution I had to learn the hard way (maybe more about that another time). Updated the very first easy to read manga article with some new pictures after deleting some. I left a couple of old ones from the original article in there. To preserve some of the nice memories I still have about having taken the very first pictures for Japanese Tease.

It’s already been 5 years since I started this blog. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, with all the studying going on, I won’t be able to write much new stuff for the next year to come as well. But the blog is not forgotten and still means a lot to me. It will be back for real – promise – but not really up to speed until I’m done with all that university stuff. Just a little heads up so you know what to expect.
I moved the whole site to a dedicated WordPress hosting called Kinsta. More on this another time but if you’re playing with the idea of moving your blog or starting one – I can only praise their fantastic service. Hopefully, you’ll notice that the blog is running much faster now and I’m not the only one who thinks it’s fast like a bullet now. Like always I did it for us.
Thanks for reading, thanks for your patience and thanks for being the awesome persons you are. I still have yet to experience a single negative thing on this site. Only positive comments, no hate no bullshit. It’s always a pleasure!
Thank you for having this little Nippon Corner ! I discovered this blog 4 years ago and has been an inspiration to continue discovering more of the culture and learn more about Japan, I am a fan of manga, video games and good photos, and you have mixed a lot in this place that looks great. Thank you very much, I hope to continue this website for many more years.
Four years already. Thank you! Will try my best to keep this little site aflout for many years to come. What do you think about abandoning Disqus for another commenting plugin?
Hi, right now the plugin works properly but if you find a better option that does not affect the performance of the blog, no problem. Greet. :)
Lieber Jakob,
Wir sollten uns eher bei dir bedanken, dass du diesen Blog behutsam pflegst! Es ist immer wieder schön deine Beiträge zu lesen und es macht immer wieder Spaß einen „Aha“- Effekt beim Lesen zu bekommen. ☺️
Des Weiteren wünsche ich dir für den Endspurt deines Studiums ganz viel Motivation und Durchhaltevermögen! Lass dich nicht hängen wegen dem Japanischlernen! Ich musste mich seit langem auch dazu wieder zwingen und das ging am besten durch‘s Übersetzen. Ist manchmal nicht immer leicht und ich hatte da auch mindestens 2 Jahre pausiert, aber naja, vieles ist passiert. ?
Nichtsdestotrotz freue ich mich auf deinen Nächsten Beitrag und lass dir ruhig Zeit! ?
P.S.: Die DSGVO bereitet meiner Firma derzeit auch Kopfzerbrechen.
Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Und natürlich auch vielen Dank dafür, dass du schon seit so langer Zeit treu die Seite liest und kommentierst. Schön zu hören, dass es anderen auch nicht anders geht beim Japanisch lernen. Man hat einfach zu viel hustle noch drumherum :)