Guide: Where to buy Japanese Pokemon Cards

japanes pokemon cards

A few years ago I discovered the old Pokemon cards of my girlfriend in the attic. I took them downstairs sorted through them and loved the graphics. So much so that I began to play the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online.

Learning Japanese with a high susceptibility to collecting I was browsing the web to buy Japanese Pokemon cards for my collection. It’s wintertime, the time for video games, Lego, and yes Pokemon Trading Cards.

Ordering stuff from Japan can be a pain if you have no clue about the language and don’t know where to start. In this little guide, I want to show you how to order Japanese Pokemon Cards directly from Amazon Japan for the recent stuff and how to get the more difficult-to-find cards.

Get the latest Japanese Pokemon Cards from

Amazon Japan is offering its very own store by the Japanese Pokemon Center and is one of the best places online to buy Japanese Pokemon cards. You can get all the latest card sets (+ all the other merch as well) and when browsing around you’ll even find some older stuff for retail.

Like always: All the Amazon links on this site are affiliate links, so when shopping through them you can support the site at no extra cost to you

The first thing to do is: Change the interface from Japanese to English

Guide: Where to buy Japanese Pokemon Cards

Just click on the Japanese flag and switch the language to English.

The beauty of Amazon’s international shipping service is that it lets you pre-pay any import duties that might occur when shipping internationally. A few weeks later after ordering you’ll receive an email with a real run-down of the customs duties and probably get some money back as well (at least from my experience).

Shipping is very quick via DHL Express and takes roughly 3-days from Japan to the EU/Germany for me.

Make yourself a Japanese Amazon Account

The one you use in your home country won’t work with Amazon Japan.

Not everything can be shipped internationally though. Amazon Japan really went a long way in that regard and is now offering a pretty vast selection of things from manga to video games and Pokemon trading cards that they are now shipping internationally.

Look for as the seller. Third-party sellers won’t ship internationally. An exception: Sellers who are using for shipping their items.

buy japanese pokemon cards

The Japanese taxes are being deducted at checkout for international orders. So instead of having to pay 5,262¥ I only paid 4,782¥ for my booster box.

japanese pokemon trading cards booster box

To make things a little more easy for you I already searched for Pokemon Trading Cards or ポケモンカードゲーム in Japanese and selected the option to only show items that are ready to be shipped internationally. I just saved this search for you to make things a little easier for you.

guide buy japanese pokemon cards from japan

If a product can’t be shipped to your designated home country it’s always clearly visible on the product page and can’t be checked out.

guide buy japanese pokemon cards from japan

Look out for Pokemon Cards sold by amazon

A classic example is where a product from a third-party vendor not shipped by can’t be shipped internationally.

order internationally from amazon japan

The estimated delivery date: When checking out you’re presented with an estimated delivery date. When ordering from your local Amazon this date is the date you’ll receive your items.

When ordering from Amazon Japan this date will always change to a far earlier date.

You’ll receive an email stating the new delivery date after ordering.

In case you would need to contact Amazon’s support after ordering: English support staff is available and very helpful in case you need them. Seriously you can say a lot of bad things when it comes to amazon but their customer service is always spot-on no matter the country you’re ordering from. And don’t forget: Japan is a service nation after all. So you can expect it to be excellent.

The packaging

The packaging is practical and not to be confused with the one you know from your local Amazon. At least in Germany, their packaging is very minimal, especially for books it’s just a pain when you can basically expect the book corners to be smashed.

Pro tip: As a collector, you might want to pick up some of these excellent sleeves directly from the homeland for cheap.

ケイエムシー(KMC) カードバリアー100パーフェクト プラスチック
ケイエムシー(KMC) カードバリアー100パーフェクト プラスチック
1袋1枚入り; 対象年齢: 144 months to 720 months; 対象性別: unisex; パッケージ重量: 0.05 kg

Typically when online shopping from Japan their products are fantastically packaged. Never been disappointed so far. And the products are usually pristine. Really. I ordered a lot of stuff over the past couple of years from Japan and no matter if it were old Super Famicom games, manga, or Pokemon cards. They were always in amazing shape.

Amazon Japan’s packaging is practical. Items are firmly put on cardboard which is attached to the bottom of the parcel, and wrapped in foil.

And I really like these super cheap Pokemon Sword & Shield V Starter Decks for just 500¥. But attention: You can only buy them as an add-on when you’re ordering above 2000¥ (roughly 16€ / 19$)

But now back to Japanese Pokemon trading cards. I just listed the most current sets down below:

ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 拡張パック パラダイムトリガー BOX
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 拡張パック パラダイムトリガー BOX
(C)2022 Pokemon (C)1995-2022 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 拡張パック 摩天パーフェクト BOX
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 拡張パック 摩天パーフェクト BOX
(C)2021 Pokemon (C)1995-2021 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 強化拡張パック ダークファンタズマ BOX
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド 強化拡張パック ダークファンタズマ BOX
(C)2022 Pokemon (C)1995-2022 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド ハイクラスパック シャイニースターV BOX
ポケモンカードゲーム ソード&シールド ハイクラスパック シャイニースターV BOX
(C)2020 Pokemon (C)1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.; 原産国:日本

The new set will be released on January 20th:

Order exclusive goods with a proxy from the Pokemon Center Japan

Pokemon Center Japan has its own online store. Unfortunately, they won’t ship internationally. But you can still order from them with the help of a Japanese Proxy Service. Just click on the link and read my in-depth article about ordering any goods from Japan.

Here is the short version: A proxy service is someone located in Japan who will order the goods for you from a Japanese online shop and then forward that parcel to you. I’ve been using fromjapan for this kind of service for many years now and found them to be the cheapest and highly professional.

Again, just read my in-depth guide about how to order anything from Japan.

japanese pokemon center super shiny

If you want to go straight to the Pokemon Trading Card section just click here.  A lot of the booster boxes are for pre-order (予約) and can usually be ordered during fixed time intervals usually ranging from a couple of days to 2/3 weeks.

Apart from pre-ordering new or sold-out sets, there are nearly always special campaigns that guarantee you a certain card or chance of a card when ordering. And of course, you’ll find special products like this amazing Pokemon Card Box which I really like.

And don’t forget to check out the official Japanese page for the Pokemon TCG. There you’ll find all Infos about cards and the announcement of new sets.

What I really enjoy is the manual on how to play Pokemon TCG remotely via Skype in these Corona times.

If I discover some good sites to order from I’ll include them in this post. And of course please share your own recommendations.

Comments 11
  1. Hi Jakob, thank you for this article and the information given. How long does it usually take for your package to ship to you? I have never ordered anything from Japan. Does it take about a week from Japan to Germany? (I’m from DE myself)

    1. Hey Guido, it took usually about 2-3 days for the items to be shipped. The shipping process with DHL Express was always super quick. Around 2/3 days to Germany. The great thing is that amazon Japan is even providing English customer support if anything out of the ordinary should happen.

  2. Hi. I’m from USA and don’t know how to pay since I have a us debit card how do I pay in ten do I just buy a gift card

    1. Hey Jacob, that’s a question for amazon. Using an international credit card works perfect though. Their whole service is aimed at international customers so just try their service chat if you run into any problems.

  3. Hello Jakob, i’m from Portugal, and i’m a little afraid to buy some os these booster boxes, because idk if it will get stuck when coming to europe and if i have to pay alot to get it released, can you help me please?

    1. Amazon Japan is handling everything for you incl. customs which are pre-paid at checkout. So nothing to worry about. You just pay the amount at checkout (goods + shipping + customs duties) and don’t have to worry about anything.

      1. Hello Jakob, so i can purchase it without having any problems with the import fees because they already do that job for me?

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